ValuesInARTS is a program of Arts & Social Transformation site by w.g.


CAT 2016 At the American School one amazing song!

The Song below; “Son of this City!” was composed by the young artists during our CATRiO 2016 (the Olympics was happening in Rio) at the prestigious American School of Rio de Janeiro who gave us their space, instruments, and breakfast and lunch every day for a whole week. The lyrics is a message from the “less fortunate”, many from one of the most violent Slums in Rio de Janeiro; City of God! This is GOD speaking through these young artists.

Exemplo's of original arts from CATRiO.
CATRiO 2017 Photos at The British School

The Song below; “Chaos in the City” was composed by the young artists during our CATRiO 2015.

The lyrics report, in words and music vibrations, the reality of their lives in a powerful chorus;

“I can’t take it any longer.”

These young artists are being inspired to

speak the truth creatively!

CATRiO 2015